non-refundable registration fee is required.
This fee will go towards your tuition cost,
with balance due on or before the first
day of class. Specimen and form amounts
are due upon ordering/ receiving said forms
and supplies.
Withdrawal/ Cancellation
you want/ have to withdraw from class, we
honor the following refund policy:
If you have something terrible and unexpected
happen part-way through the class, we will
work with you. Often we can reschedule you
to resume class during a different month.
provide a minimum of three days, excluding
Saturday, Sunday, and holidays during which
a student may cancel their enrollment and
receive a refund of all money paid. ( We
can pretty much guarantee that you will
be tempted to do this at the end of the
first day. There is a daunting time between
skinning a pheasant and mounting a pheasant,
where it looks like this will never turn
out to be anything that anyone will ever
want to look at. You can't know it at this
stage, because you've never done this before,
but that bedraggled, ragged, bald pheasant
looks exactly like he's supposed to. You've
got three days, so hang in there. You'll
We are able to offer you a 50% refund of
tuition money (minus used specimen charges)
if you leave after Day 3 and before Day
7 (counting weekends). If you leave between
Day 8 and Day 12 (counting weekends), we
are able to offer you a 25% refund of tuition
money (minus used specimen charges).After
Day 12 (counting weekends), we are not able
to offer you a refund of tuition, and all
used specimen charges are immediately payable.